Monday, February 8, 2010

Back to nonsense....

So I've done what I thought prudent and posted a 3 parter about real meaty recipe cooking. It was rough. I mean it actually took real thought. Normally I go into irreverant nonsensical rambling and it's fun and easy. Actual advice on how to create in a kitchen is way too much like work. But I hope someone tries it out. I hope it works. 8 years of R&R go into that bread recipe. Sorry some parts are vague. Please really do track me down if you try it and have issues.

But anyways, I'm thinking about a blog. A couple actually. We ate at the Georgian Room saturday. 10 courses, 4 1/2 hours. That's one. I'd like to talk about this country's horrid fascination with butchering then popularizing bastardized versions of world class cuisines like Mexican and Italian. Lastly, I'd like to talk finally about Totinos pizza. I officially ate my last one friday night. Well, for the time being. They are horrible for you and it's time to eat better @ 1am. But I'd like to discuss why it is that so many of us find them heavenly. Until then...good luck and eat out but not at chains, they are killing food in America.....

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