My wife earned VIP parking at publix by bearing my second child

We're finally taking the steps of improving the food quality and presentation in my department, at the same time playing a bigger role in the resort by becoming an organized commissary as well

Garde manger is almost fully staffed and running like a well oiled machine. We're taking on more projects like composting, participating in the local farmers market and making our own pepperoni for the resort.

We've added more talent to our staff. April Tanner started with us about a month ago. She can carve pretty much any picture you give her into a melon without skipping a beat.
As for everything else, there's a lot of exciting things coming up for foodbros. Stay tuned.
The watermelons looked awesome on the buffet! I didn't know you all were composting now. Love the idea and hoping to start one at home.
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